Letter from Chair

Dec. 4, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

It was an honor to summarize the vast activities and accomplishments that took place in FY15 during my 9th annual State of the Department address on November 11.  While we live in a time when the only constant is change, our steadfast focus on our 2013-2017 strategic plan and our tripartite mission has borne much fruit.

The clinical enterprise continues to expand, particularly within the Northern Crescent, with new and growing Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital services.  Embracing a distributed model of standardized high quality service across our Breast Imaging Centers of Excellence was a clear highlight of the year.  Clinical growth must be accompanied by a tight link to quality improvement; the ongoing Time Out campaign is just one of many critically important quality initiatives. Despite a financially constrained environment, our radiology investigators continue to find funding for their novel imaging science research.  On the teaching front, we are adding novel programs such as the new IR/DR residency, and innovative residency tracks.

Our focus on talent development is paying off with engagement and unique training efforts to enrich our own faculty and staff and national searches to bring in new ideas.  Three searches were completed this year, resulting in the recruitment of our new Vice Chair for Research, Elizabeth Krupinski, PhD, Director of the Community Radiology Specialists Division, Howard Fleishon, MD, and IR Division Director, Michael Miller, MD (who will join us early in 2016).  Succession planning strategies have also added to our depth of bench as a strong enterprise.  

Best to all,
