Emory Radiology Twitter Statistics

July 25, 2019

by Mohsina Yusuf

As of July 25, the official Emory Radiology Twitter account has 2,729 followers. Between March 20 to July 25, 2019, Emory Radiology received 369,500~ impressions and 339 new followers during this 129-day period.

Twitter impressions are the total number times the tweet was seen. This includes the times it appears on followers’ timelines, in a Twitter search, or as a result of someone liking the tweet. Twitter engagements are the total number of times people interact with the tweet. It includes clicking on links, visiting the tweeter’s profile, replies, retweets, likes, clicking on embedded media, or simply clicking the tweet.

In April, we received 72,600~ impressions, 79 retweets, and 512 likes. In May, there were 94,400~ impressions, 105 retweets, and 742 likes. In June, we received 120,700~ impressions, 103 retweets, and 895 likes. So far in July, we have 53,500~ impressions, 14 retweets, and 338 likes. 

There were two top tweets during this period:


It received 13 retweets, 93 likes, 9,678 impressions, and 281 engagements. It was also the top tweet for the month of June.


It received 15 retweets, 122 likes, 9,006 impressions, and 333 engagements. It was also the top tweet for the month of May.

The top tweet in April was:


It received 9 retweets, 36 likes, 5,937 impressions, and 147 total engagements. 

The top tweet, so far, in July:


It received 4 retweets, 33 likes, 2,744 impressions, and 321 total engagements.

The top tweet for July is subject to change.

For Twitter assistance, additional information, or content suggestion, please contact Mohsina Yusuf at mohsinayusuf@emory.edu.